Hi, I’m Ben Larcombe.
I’m a professional table tennis coach and I’m here to help you become an expert at table tennis… FAST!
How to Play Table Tennis.
Want to learn how to play table tennis? You’ve come to the right place! Allow me to teach you the fundamentals of table tennis in twelve simple steps…
This is only the beginning. True mastery of the sport of table tennis takes many years. But you’ve got to start somewhere!

The Table Tennis Playbook.
I’ve created a FREE eBook for my readers, called The Table Tennis Playbook, all about the best service and receive drills. It’s completely free and packed full of exercises to help you improve your table tennis match play and develop your tactics/strategy.
Equipment Reviews.
The majority of emails and messages I receive are about table tennis equipment. Here are some links to everything you need to know…
You’ll find all of my table tennis equipment articles and my equipment recommendations by clicking the link below.
Become an expert at table tennis… FAST!
I believe everyone has the potential to become an expert at table tennis.
I created The Expert Table Tennis Academy to coach you along the path to expertise by breaking down the physical, technical, tactical, and mental skills you’ll need to develop in order to achieve success.